About Us

The Open Science Group aims to promote the adoption of open, transparent, and reproducible research practices among the members of the Center for Psychology of the University of Porto (CPUP) to foster the production of scientific data that is robust, replicable, reliable, and reusable.


Our goal is to assist researchers (at all levels) in producing high-quality research. Our activities aim to offer guidance, support, and training in implementing open science practices in all stages of the scientific process and teaching activities.

Open Science Practices, broadly construed, include:

Why Open Science?

Transparency and openness in the scientific process allows for:

(a) the full documentation and the recognition of all the work involved in the scientific process (from design to implementation);

(b) more efficiency due to the sharing of materials and data, thereby prolonging their lifecycle, reusability and impact;

(c) more collaborative scientific endeavors;

(d) socially responsible scientific activities because it allows for the verification and faster correction of errors in the scientific record;

(e) return of the data to society in a broader sense, which was ultimately the funder of the research.

To know more about our group, visit one of the following pages:
